In this unit of study, we will work on creating our own mark of identity, by developing our initials and full name into a symbolic shape. Most of the stages of our work is to be completed on paper, using pencil, ink and or markers. As always, all stages and iterative process will be documented and formatted into a PDF submission.
Stage 01: We will commence our assignment with Research & Analysis to bring in points of inspirations.
Stage 02: Rough and or loose sketches of our initials, as well as our full name using various geometric combinations. Remember, in the early stages not to concentrate on the final look and or details, think of big shapes and there relationship to each other, your logo initials can be looked at as an identity mark that can be placed on all your future title bar submissions; it is a form of identification that has the potential to be placed on a t-shirt or a hoodie- so many possibilities.
Stage 03: Further refinement of your best idea, in greater detail and clarity.
Stage 04: Preparation of final submission package, documenting your entire process of development.
A bit of theory that is worth watching, please review the following 2 videos, one on typography and the other on colour, in order to give you a better understanding of the greater context within this massive field of study. Normally, within my classroom, I would incorporate Adobe Illustrator in the final stages of our design process, now that we are in the Distance Learning stage, no such applications will be utilized; all work can be done on paper, using pencils, pens and markers- all good!
Research & Analyses: looking at our references As Shapes
Examples of Sketches made during class, please review and apply your own interpretations accordingly.
Adobe Illustrator Lessons
Logo Design Process incorporating Adobe Illustrator. Last Stages: Exporting our Vector Logo Designs