I am thinking this year let us spend a bit more time and Brand our NAMES, and have the opportunity to have our brand placed on all our submissions. The framework that I would like you to work within is the Rubber STAMP Look, eventually we will 3D Print our Logo Stamps and add ink so that we can stamp our drawings as well as make version that is digital to place on our computer generated work.
I will showcase a few examples from around the world for you to consider where the influence comes from, really it is very much like your family or company seal. I am particularly drawn towards Chinese Seals of family names and also companies, there will be additional examples from England and Japan, leasing me to the Artist LOISH.
I personally love her work as a Character Designer, an incredibly inspiring Artist, have been a fan of her work for a long time, beautifully stylized characters that are so vibrant, it gives me pause each time to think of the amount craftsmanship and creativity that is involved to produce such work. Please review her work on her website, notice the last two referenced images shows how her logo became more of a brand, loosely the style is influenced by my selected references; looking forward for us all to loosen up and have fun with this assignment.
Notice the range of this style, can be interpreted in so many ways, sketch, doodle, sketch, doodle, play with Type and simply go wild...:)
Stage01: Research logos within this genre that inspire you & share your findings with a short description, also please comment on another students submission under our discussions section on D2L.
Stage 02: Rough Concept Sketches of your logo, which can have your full name/ initials slogan, with the option of having visuals- completely up to you. Stage 03: Present to class for feedback Stage 04: Revise Stage 05: Production Using Adobe Illustrator
My lesson on how to get started on this assignment