Challenge: Create a Halloween Themed Background that will be eventually added onto YouTube, in the style of the LoFi music stations. Your challenge is to create a BG, rich with elements that support your theme, including a character and a number of items that can be simply animated by incorporating repeated loops.
For example, my background will take place in a cemetery, main element on one side will be a crypt, possible pathway, with a zombie walking towards the camera. My supporting elements will be creepy looking trees, an evening scene, possibly with a mist, moon above, candles on gravestones flickering, possibly a hand coming out one of the graves.
I'll revise this further, once I'm deeper in concept development phase with my supporting elements further developed.
As previously discussed during class time last week, we are working on creating the BG (background) of our scene, using references, from my Pinterest account, including any additional resources that you may want to bring in from movies, video games, graphic novels, books, and so forth.
Stage 01: Incorporating References to Build Our Theme.
Activities and Lessons Last week we reviewed the Topic of COMPOSITION Rule of Thirds Framing Foreground, middle ground and background Small, Medium and Large (objects) Leading the Eye
Please review the various images below from our in-class activities, including the lesson, Intro to Digital Painting.
For Monday: Let's all finish our background research, including all elements that you will be incorporating from the various references for your background. All elements are to be referenced, every item needs to be sketched on its own layer, as simple as possible, using the Line tool in Krita.
I will be working on this assignment with you documenting my progress. The work we create in this unit may end up as a portfolio piece for your post secondary application process to a future, art, design and or animation program- let's do this!