For this activity, I am providing a very rough blocked-out shot for you to recreate. Directions: Watch the video below, observe and document the key poses of the jump sequence, breakdowns and in-betweens, follow-through, settle, including rough timing of the entire sequence. Using the Bony Rig provided to the class, please recreate the shot, showcasing your progress of each stage accordingly, using play blasts and progressive file saves.
Jump Animation Reference to work from.
Recorded Jump Animation Lessons, Notes, and Observations Below.
Jump Animation Refining Curves
Jump Landing Refinement Just like our ball bounce
Maya Stepped Keys to Spline
References: First reference is a simple upward jump on the spot, the second reference, happens to be my favourite reference from a Japanese Animator, where you will notice that as an animator, our goal may be at most times to push our poses, exaggerate the action, in order to make the shot/story more compelling to the audience.
Notice the difference between the two, watch it over and over, document the beginning, pre anticipation, then the squash, take-off, the hang pose, coming down, the squash and settle process, take screen grabs, add rough noting, in terms of how many frames it takes to complete the action, from pose to pose, just like we did in our studies of the ball bounce. Additionally, please feel free to go into the hallway and reference yourself doing the same action, by doing the acting part in front of a camera, you will experience true insights into the nuances of making this shot successful.