This next short assignment is a very important activity in terms of building skills on your Superhero Animation Utility Belt.
Left Side: Initial Blocking of Import moments in your animation
Right Side: Incorporating Anticipation, Squash & Stretch, and Holds.
Goal of this Activity:Learning animation foundational skill sets while applying the Principles of Animation in an activity, as well as incorporating the method of Pose to Pose animation workflow. Important Animation Principles such as Timing and Spacing as well as Holds will be applied, we need time for the audience to see the action; we don't tend to go from one action to the other, rest in between movements will help sell your performance. Technical in Graph Editor Skills, such as duplicating keys, adding holds, copying and pasting keys, moving keys in the timeline, (This activity will also give you the foundational skill sets to create a character jump in the future.)
Instructions WIP
1-Move the Red Cube towards the Green Cube.Remember to Press S to Stamp a Key. 2-Slide your player on the Timeline half way between the two actions and raise it on the Y axis, forming a curved path of action, creating an arc simulating a possible jump action- Press S right after. 3-Select the Green Cube and move it away from the Red Cube, towards the right(Camera Right)- Press S to Stamp a Key. 4-Select the Green and this time move it up on the Y axis out of Frame,Press S to Stamp a Key. 5-Work on your overall timing, it doesn't have to work, we just want to avoid the "Floaty Feel" of all your movements. Further down in the stages of our work, we will strive to make our shot look Cartoony, by making the actions faster, resulting in Snappy Animation; this will be done after applying Anticipation, Squash, Stretch and Holds of our movements.
5-Remember "Save As" every stage of your progress with descriptors of what attempted to accomplish. for example, CubeAnimation_01_Blocking, CubeAnimation_02_RoughTiming, CubeAnimation_03_Anticipation, CubeAnimation_04_Squash&Stretch...
7-Let's add Anticipation towards the first Cube Movement as per my storyboard directions. 8-Then add Squash, Hold, then Stretch, Hold, as per my storyboard directions. 9-Follow the same workflow directions stated in my storyboard planning guide-Thanks!
Please Create numerous Play Blasts showcasing your process and progress as you work through the requirements and directions noted above.
Deliverables: Progression Play Blasts with final Rendered shot frame by frame with lighting showcasing your final work- frame size 1920 X 1080 Start with a slate introducing your final animation with your name, Exported Rendered Shot, Slate progression of your work using your Play Blasts, Slate End Credits.
Adobe Premiere Lessons will be posted very soon...