Drawing Diagnostic 01 Day 1: There are three images below for you to draw, we are simply creating a baseline to grow from, and improve upon throughout the course; this is the first step in documenting your journey in this course- let's have fun!
Drawing Diagnostic 02 Unit 1: Drawing Fundamentals (Submit work in Dropbox) Let's gauge our drawing communications skill sets at the beginning of our course, without any judgment, we will all evolve our skill sets to ongoing practice, including myself as your Teacher.
The entire activity is to be done on paper and then placed into Google slides as a PDF doc for submission.
Page 01 Submission -Practice Drawing Circles, Square and Rectangles Page 02 Submission-Practice Drawing Spheres, Cubes and Cylinders Page 03 Submission-Practice Drawing Elongated Spheres, Curved Cylinders, and Curved Rectangular Boxes.
Drawing Bootcamp Week 01
Drawing Bootcamp Week 02 This week we will be adding layers of complexity to our work from last week, by incorporating curved lined to our previous linear shapes- hence building a layer of complexity. Further along during the week we will be recreating the same drawings in a digital format, working in Krita, using one of the best pencil brushes created to mimic the look of really drawing on paper-the journey of learning continues.
Drawing Fundamentals Activity 04: Applied Geometry Preparation for our logo design work, requires us to build on our previously practised and acquired skills. This time there will be even more emphasis placed to going over our line work, to build readable shape and silhouettes. Please review the TWO practice sheets for everyone to work on, prior to commencing on our Logo Designs. I can not emphasize it enough, practising the fundamentals drawing skill sets and incorporating Applied Geometry into your work will yield great results. Both sheets are to be submitted, with a title bar, course info into our Dropbox in Brightspace.
Drawing Fundamentals Activity 02: Game Art First steps: Build Fundamental Drawing/Communications Skills Practice creating parallel lines, ovals, squares, simple geometric shapes, then progress to sketching cylinders, spheres, cubes and cones.
Application of Skill Sets: Generating simple parallel and diagonal lines, creating boxes that eventually can become furniture objects. Creating simple oval shapes that can evolve to become cylinders, cylinders to vessels, candles, and or potion bottles; developing a tool belt that yields so many possibilities, options are generated, by incorporating simple primitive shapes as the underlying structure of our concept art and designs.
Example 01, an isometric box can become a manuscript, a table, a bench, a crate and so forth; it is all the same volumetric shape.
Recorded Lessons
Activity 03: Robot Character Shapes Drawing Simple Lines, Shapes, Primitives, progressing to adding and creating curvilinear forms In the Grade 11 Com Tech Animation course, these skill sets are foundational and will be incorporated towards building Gesture and Figure Drawings.